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Letting Love Fuel Your Ministry
Reaching Out To Others, Service, weariness Dana Rongione Reaching Out To Others, Service, weariness Dana Rongione

Letting Love Fuel Your Ministry

Springtime in Wales is no joke! We go from zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye. One minute, we're bundled up and sipping hot cocoa by the fire, and the next, we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off, trying to keep up with all the events and activities.

Don't get me wrong, I love being part of this vibrant ministry, but sometimes, it can be downright exhausting. This year, I found myself stretched thin like butter scraped over too much bread (to borrow a Bilbo Baggins-ism).

Between the ladies' luncheon, the Easter outreaches, the ladies' retreat, the music for each service, the weekly Bible study, and the seemingly endless stream of meetings, planning sessions, and flyer creations, I was starting to feel like a hamster on a wheel—running, running, running, but never really getting anywhere.

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Compassion Over Judgement
compassion, Reaching Out To Others, Relationships Dana Rongione compassion, Reaching Out To Others, Relationships Dana Rongione

Compassion Over Judgement

How often do we find ourselves judging others, making assumptions about their lives, motivations, and choices? It's an all too common human tendency, one that can breed misunderstanding, resentment, and conflict if left unchecked. Yet, when we take a step back and consider the complexities of each individual's circumstances, might we not find more compassion and empathy within ourselves? After all, we’re all struggling to make it through this maze called life, just with different circumstances and choices.

It's easy to look at someone else's life and think, "Well, if I were them, I'd be doing things differently. I'd be working harder, making better choices, living more righteously." We see a snapshot of their journey and assume we know the whole story.

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From Gravel to Grace
Life's Journey, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Comfort, Encouragement Dana Rongione

From Gravel to Grace

Road construction can be a real pain! Over the past week, there's been a whole crew working on the street right in front of my house. It started off with them just patching up some of the rougher spots and potholes. Jackhammers going off at the crack of dawn, dump trucks rumbling by every five minutes. It was chaos!

The next thing I knew, they were reworking the entire road surface, leaving a bed of loose gravel in their wake. Suddenly, our once-decent road became this rocky, uneven mess. Driving on it is like navigating an off-road course, and our poor car is taking a beating.

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The Illusion of Greener Pastures

The Illusion of Greener Pastures

Have you ever driven by a sheep farm and seen those silly sheep with their heads stuck through the fence, munching away at the grass on the other side? I see it all the time here in Wales, and it always makes me chuckle. I mean, come on, sheep! The grass is the same on your side of the fence. But for some reason, the stuff just out of reach always seems greener, doesn't it?

As humans, we're not that different from those woolly creatures, are we? We've got this bad habit of ignoring the blessings right in front of us and instead reaching for things that are out of our grasp. We're never quite satisfied with what we have.

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Furred Knights and Shared Fights
Reaching Out To Others, Unity, Relationships, Service Dana Rongione Reaching Out To Others, Unity, Relationships, Service Dana Rongione

Furred Knights and Shared Fights

Last week, I stumbled upon a new book series, and I must say, it's got me hooked, even though it is intended for children. (What can I say? I’m a child at heart!) The title is The Mice of the Round Table, penned by Julie Leung. It revolves around a tiny mouse named Calib, who aspires to become a hero like his father and grandfather. However, there's a catch: Calib grapples with feelings of smallness and insignificance.

Now, I can sense your curiosity. "What's the connection between a children's book about mice and our faith?" Just wait a moment, and I'll explain. (Remember, my brain works in mysterious ways!)

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The Greatest Castle Never Built
Spiritual Growth, Life's Journey, God's goodness Dana Rongione Spiritual Growth, Life's Journey, God's goodness Dana Rongione

The Greatest Castle Never Built

Last week, Jason and I took some much-needed time off to rest and refresh ourselves. We spent a few days in northern Wales, taking in many sights, including three castles. They were all impressive, but my favourite was Beaumaris Castle. Now, there's a sight to behold! It's a massive fortress on the coast of Wales, with walls that stretch on for what seems like miles. But here's the thing: it was never finished. King Edward I had big plans for this castle but ran out of money before he could see it through to completion, leaving Beaumaris with the title “The Greatest Castle Never Built.” Bummer, right?

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Ripple Effects

Ripple Effects

King Josiah. Now, here was a man of unwavering faith and determination. He was a true leader, always striving to align himself with God’s will and to guide his people in the right direction. He fearlessly dismantled the false idols and restored the temple to its rightful state. And you know what? For a time, the nation was rejuvenated. The people returned to the worship of the one true God, and it seemed like Josiah’s reign was a turning point for the land.

But then, as often happens in life, things took a turn for the worse. After Josiah's death, the people returned to their old ways, worshipping false gods and ignoring the commands of the Lord. It's enough to make a person feel like all their hard work was for nothing.

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Footsteps of Faith:  Navigating the Muddy Paths of Life
Life's Journey Dana Rongione Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Footsteps of Faith: Navigating the Muddy Paths of Life

Following an exceptionally rainy winter in Wales, the hiking paths have become treacherous mud pits. While hiking yesterday, Jason lost his footing in the mire and clutched onto a wooden fence post to steady himself. Little did he know, the post was rotted at the base. It nearly buckled beneath his weight. Thankfully, Jason regained his balance and the fence post before getting covered in mud.

As Jason managed to steady both himself and the decayed fence post, it struck me how frequently we seek solace in things other than the Lord in times of need, whether in people, material belongings, or our perceived capabilities. We place our faith in them, only to find that they are not as reliable as we initially assumed, much like the seemingly sturdy yet rotted post that Jason had clung to.

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Do the Next Thing
Overwhelmed, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione Overwhelmed, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione

Do the Next Thing

Have you ever felt like you're drowning in a sea of to-do lists and responsibilities? Like the waves of tasks keep crashing over you, and you can barely keep your head above water? I know I have. There are days when I look at everything I need to get done, and it feels completely overwhelming.

My mind starts racing with questions like, "How am I going to get all this done? What if I don't have enough time or energy? What if I disappoint someone by not meeting a deadline?" Before I know it, I'm caught in a whirlpool of anxiety and stress.

But then I remember a quote by Elisabeth Elliot that has become a lifeline for me in those moments. She said, "Sometimes life is so hard you can only do the next thing. Whatever that is, just do the next thing. God will meet you there."

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Partridges, Promises, and Peace

Partridges, Promises, and Peace

I never thought I'd write a devotion about partridges, but here we are. You see, I'd always pictured partridges as elegant birds, similar to doves. But when I saw a couple in my yard the other day, I was in for a surprise. These birds were round, more like a bowling ball than a dove. It got me thinking about how often our expectations don't match reality.

Consider the story of Sarah and Abraham, a tale of God’s unwavering faithfulness. Despite their old age and childlessness, God promised them a son. Sarah, in her disbelief, even laughed at the news. Yet, God kept His promise, and they were blessed with a son, Isaac. It wasn’t what they expected, but it was far better than they could have imagined.

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